“Bringing Joy and Love: ASPRA’s Heartwarming Christmas Visit to Panti Werda Usia Anugerah”

“The Christmas celebration was a poignant reminder that every individual, no matter their past or circumstances, deserves dignity, respect, and moments of happiness.”
Asiapramulia.com – PT. Asia Pramulia (ASPRA) visited the Panti Werda Usia Anugerah in Surabaya to celebrate Christmas with the residents of the elderly care home. This visit became an emotional and heartwarming moment, as ASPRA brought joy and affection to the elderly who are in their later years. The residents, many of whom have lived through long and challenging lives, felt the warmth and care from the visitors, creating an atmosphere of love and connection.
In addition to representatives from ASPRA, 7 caretakers were present, many of whom are intern nurses from PJTKI who are doing their practical work at the care home. They play a crucial role in providing love and attention to the elderly, even though they themselves are far from their own families. Their presence further strengthened the sense of community and solidarity within the care home.
Panti Werda Usia Anugerah is very selective in choosing the elderly who are accepted into the home. The residents must meet strict criteria, including being childless and coming from financially disadvantaged families. Many of them are elderly, abandoned, or neglected by their families, and they seek a place that can offer them safety and dignity in their final years. In this atmosphere of care and warmth, the elderly feel valued and acknowledged, finding moments of happiness in their later years.
The home is based on Christian principles, with teachings and worship being an integral part of their daily life. This foundation offers hope and peace to many of the elderly residents, providing them with comfort in the final stage of their lives. The total number of residents is 20 elderly, all of whom now experience a family-like atmosphere in the home, even though many of them have not felt the love of their own families for years.
This Christmas visit became more than just a celebration, it served as a reminder of the importance of love and attention to the elderly, who are often forgotten by society. It was a reminder that through togetherness and empathy, we can offer something profoundly meaningful to those who need it most.

Source: Asiapramulia.com


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