"ASPRA CARE:Kelurahan Kedung Baruk & ASPRA Berkolaborasi Berbagi Dengan Sekitar" (中文)

“Sharing with others is indeed an important obligation that helps foster compassion, unity, and understanding in our communities. It reflects a sense of responsibility towards one another and contributes to the well-being of all. Whether through material resources, time, knowledge, or emotional support, sharing creates a more inclusive and supportive environment.”
Asiapramulia.com – ASPRA shares with local communities in need. Certain conditions make some residents of Kedung Baruk sub-district financially constrained. This is what encourages ASPRA to help these residents in the form of donations for household needs, especially food.
This is a very noble and empathetic step from ASPRA to help residents in need in Kedung Baruk sub-district. In difficult situations, such as financial inability, assistance in the form of donations of household necessities and food can greatly ease the burden on affected families. Actions like this not only provide material assistance, but also show solidarity and concern for others. Hopefully this step can be an inspiration for other communities to help each other and support those who are facing difficulties.

                                                                                 Source: Asia Pramulia

The activity of handing over aid to residents was carried out on Monday (25/11/2024), attended by ASPRA, Kedung Baruk sub-district, and Kedung Baruk residents. The assistance provided is basic necessities. Before handing over the assistance, ASPRA first conducted a survey of residents accompanied by Kedung Baruk sub-district employees. After the survey is carried out, ASPRA then determines who is eligible to receive assistance based on the level of financial ability, age of the resident, occupation of the resident, and so on.
Ultimately, sharing is not just about giving material things, but also about offering your time, knowledge, and emotional support to others. It is an essential part of building a more compassionate, connected world.


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