分享就是关爱,ASPRA 走进孤儿院"

Asiapramulia.com – Welcoming the celebration of Christmas which will fall on December 25 2024, PT. Asia Pramulia (ASPRA) holds social service activities as part of caring for others. On Thursday, December 12 2024, representatives from ASPRA visited two orphanages in the city of Surabaya, East Java. This activity is a form of solidarity and gratitude from the ASPRA extended family, with the aim of sharing happiness and reducing the burden of life for those in need, especially children and residents of orphanages.

                                                                     Source: Asiapramulia.com

This social service activity targets two orphanages which have different backgrounds and conditions of the residents. The two orphanages are:
1. Panti Asuhan Yayasan Cinta Kasih Ibu Teresa Penampungan Jompo dan Yatim Piatu
This home cares for orphans, the elderly, and disabled people who need extra attention. This orphanage prioritizes assistance for those who are less fortunate and need special care.
2. Panti Asuhan Yatim Cahaya Insani
This orphanage is specifically for orphans who need a place to live and education. Even though it focuses on caring for children, this institution also pays attention to the psychological and emotional development of the children there.
This social service takes the form of providing basic necessities and basic equipment needed by orphanage residents. Several types of basic necessities distributed include cooking oil, instant noodles, rice, biscuits, bathing and washing equipment including soap, shampoo, toothpaste and other equipment needed by orphanage residents to maintain personal hygiene and the cleanliness of the institution. It is hoped that this provision of basic necessities can ease the daily needs of orphanage residents, especially before Christmas, when many people celebrate together with their families and those closest to them.
Before visiting the orphanage, representatives from ASPRA first conducted a survey to find out in more detail what needs were needed by the orphanage to be visited. This step is taken so that the assistance provided is right on target and in accordance with the needs of the orphanage residents. Apart from that, this also aims to avoid the accumulation of the same basic food ingredients, which could have been provided by other parties. By knowing the specific needs of each orphanage, ASPRA can ensure that the assistance provided is truly useful and can meet existing deficiencies.
This social service is part of the routine activities carried out by ASPRA every year before religious holidays. Through this activity, ASPRA hopes to share happiness with people in need, especially those who are less fortunate and separated from their families. Apart from that, this activity is also an opportunity to strengthen ties and show high social concern for others.
“Through this social service, we want to provide a little happiness and lighten the burden on those in need. This activity is also a concrete manifestation of the social values that we uphold at ASPRA, namely caring, sharing and togetherness,” said Tiara Rose, a representative from ASPRA on this occasion.
This is not the first time ASPRA has carried out this social service. Every year, the ASPRA extended family routinely holds similar activities ahead of religious holidays, be it Christmas, Eid al-Fitr or other major celebrations. By visiting orphanages, halfway houses, or other social institutions, ASPRA strives to share blessings and bring happiness to those in need.
It is hoped that this social service activity will not only provide material benefits, but also touch the hearts of the orphanage residents and encourage them to remain strong and optimistic in facing life. Through activities like this, ASPRA is also committed to continuing to carry out corporate social responsibility (CSR) in order to create an environment that is more caring and sharing with others.

Sumber: Asiapramulia.com


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