"Sambut Natal, Aspralicious Sukses Ramaikan Pasar Kepo di Galaxy Mall Surabaya"

“In order to welcome Christmas, a bazaar for MSMEs, especially those operating in the food and beverage (FnB) and fashion sectors, is present in Surabaya.”
Asiapramulia.com – Kepo Market again involves hundreds of Food, Beverage and Fashion MSME players in its bazaar. Titled Kepo Market, this bazaar involves hundreds of MSME players and carries the theme ‘Kepo Xmas’ which held at Galaxy Mall since November 29 until December 1 2024. Kepo Market displays various MSME products and targets more than 10,000 visitors, Aspralicious is one of the brands that never misses attending this event. This food bazaar event is always held consistently. Kepo Market comes with various interesting themes that are different every year. These include Kepofest, Kepo Halloween, and Kepo Asian Culinary.

                                                                             Source: Asiapramulia.com

Aspralicious attended Kepo Market to support the progress of Indonesian MSMEs by bringing dozens of selected MSME brands from all over the country. This participation is a form of real support for promoting quality local products and introducing Indonesian business potential to a wider market. With this exhibition, Aspralicious hopes to encourage MSMEs to continue to develop and become better known to the public, as well as strengthening the creative economy in the country.
Through this exhibition, Aspralicious committed to creating greater opportunities for MSME players, opening new networks, and providing education about effective marketing strategies. By presenting various superior products from various regions, Aspralicious also wants to encourage collaboration between local brands to further optimize their potential. The hope is that this event will not only be a promotional event, but also an inspiration for young entrepreneurs to continue to innovate and develop.

                                                                            Source: Asiapramulia.com

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