Tips Trik UMKM

"Membuka Peluang Pertumbuhan di Sektor UMKM: 7 Strategi untuk Sukses"

“As the world becomes more interconnected, and as governments and organizations continue to support small businesses, the opportunities for entrepreneurs...
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"Bagaimana Membangun Bisnis Minuman yang Berkembang Melalui Kemitraan dan Kolaborasi Strategis"

“Building a thriving beverage business through strategic partnerships and collaboration offers numerous benefits that can help the business grow, sustain...
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Tips Trik UMKM

"Meningkatkan Penjualan dan Loyalitas Pelanggan: Kekuatan Sistem Pembayaran yang Mudah di Industri Makanan"

"Offering multiple payment options, including contactless and online payment methods, attracts more customers" - Easy payment systems are crucial for...
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Aksi Perseroan

"Momen Gemerlap dan Sukacita Bersama: Perayaan Natal Grup Asia yang Tak Terlupakan"

“The warmth and joy of the evening left everyone with lasting memories of a unique and meaningful celebration that wasn’t...
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"Membawa Sukacita dan Kasih: Kunjungan Natal ASPRA yang Mengharukan ke Panti Werda Usia Anugerah"

“The Christmas celebration was a poignant reminder that every individual, no matter their past or circumstances, deserves dignity, respect, and...
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Belajar Melalui Praktik: Brawijaya Lawpreneur Kunjungi PT. Asia Pramulia dalam rangka Kunjungan Perusahaan 2024

"Company visits are crucial for students to expand their knowledge and skills, as well as prepare them for the challenges...
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Aksi Perseroan

Berbagi adalah Kepedulian, ASPRA Berkunjung ke Panti Asuhan" – Welcoming the celebration of Christmas which will fall on December 25 2024, PT. Asia Pramulia (ASPRA) holds social...
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Aksi Korporasi UMKM

"PT. Asia Pramulia Terus Berkomitmen Dorong Pengembangan UMKM di Kecamatan Rungkut Melalui Pelatihan"

“Brand awareness is an important aspect of marketing that can help MSMEs build consumer recognition and trust in the products...
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Aksi Korporasi UMKM

"Sambut Natal, Aspralicious Sukses Ramaikan Pasar Kepo di Galaxy Mall Surabaya"

“In order to welcome Christmas, a bazaar for MSMEs, especially those operating in the food and beverage (FnB) and fashion...
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