Aksi Perseroan

“KSE UNAIR Students Visit PT. Asia Pramulia (ASPRA): Enhancing Insights on Marketing Strategies and Human Resources Management” - On February 17, 2025, PT. Asia Pramulia (ASPRA) was honored to welcome students from Karya Salemba Empat (KSE)...
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“Sip Your Way to Better Health: Simple Ways to Make Drinking Water a Habit” - We often hear that drinking mineral water is essential for our health, yet it can still be difficult...
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"Hidup Sehat dalam 3 Pilar: Diet Seimbang, Aktivitas Fisik, dan Manajemen Stres"

“Staying fit and healthy can help prevent bone issues, heart disease, muscle problems, and overweight. So, how can you maintain...
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Tips Trick

"Cinta di Setiap Tegukan: Minuman yang Sempurna untuk Hari Valentine yang Romantis" - Valentine's Day is a special moment filled with love, joy, and, of course, excitement to celebrate with your...
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Tips Trik UMKM

"5 Ide Bisnis Makanan dan Minuman yang Menjanjikan dengan Persaingan Rendah"

“The food and beverage industry is highly dynamic, with consumer preferences evolving rapidly.” - As trends in health-conscious living,...
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"Memperkuat Kemitraan: Kunjungan ASPRA GO yang Sukses ke Toko 88 Tulungagung"

“Strong support for resellers is crucial to ensure the smooth collaboration and long-term business success. By providing training, marketing materials,...
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Tips Trik UMKM

"Membuka Peluang Pertumbuhan di Sektor UMKM: 7 Strategi untuk Sukses"

“As the world becomes more interconnected, and as governments and organizations continue to support small businesses, the opportunities for entrepreneurs...
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"Bagaimana Membangun Bisnis Minuman yang Berkembang Melalui Kemitraan dan Kolaborasi Strategis"

“Building a thriving beverage business through strategic partnerships and collaboration offers numerous benefits that can help the business grow, sustain...
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Tips Trik UMKM

"Meningkatkan Penjualan dan Loyalitas Pelanggan: Kekuatan Sistem Pembayaran yang Mudah di Industri Makanan"

"Offering multiple payment options, including contactless and online payment methods, attracts more customers" - Easy payment systems are crucial for...
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