ASPRA Mendukung Pelestarian Lingkungan dengan Menanam Mangrove

PT Asia Pramulia (Aspra) continues to strengthen its commitment to environmental conservation by holding a Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) program that focuses on mangrove planting.

ASPRA supports environmental conservation by planting 500 mangrove seedlings at the mouth of the Wonorejo River, Surabaya, as an effort to maintain the coastal ecosystem and provide benefits to the surrounding community.

“Through this program, we hope to increase biodiversity and protect the coastline from erosion,” said Ricky Winoto, President Director of PT Asia Pramulia.

In addition to mangrove planting, ASPRA also held beach cleaning activities along the lip of Surabaya’s mangroves. This activity was carried out as a form of the company’s concern for environmental cleanliness.

Based on data from the local government, around 60 percent of the waste collected in the area is plastic waste, bottles, plastic bags, and styrofoam. This waste not only damages coastal ecosystems, but also threatens the life of marine life that depends on the environment

“In total, the planting of 500 mangrove seedlings and beach cleaning activities. This not only provides direct benefits to the environment and society, but is part of a global effort to protect coastal ecosystems,” added Ricky.

Through these various goals, CSR in mangrove planting and beach cleaning activities provides broad social and economic benefits, both for the community and the company

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